They are so amazing that they have created movies out of them, and while they've already done a Swedish version, America has decided to jump on the band wagon and remake the movies in English. I'm excited to see how they turn out, because the Swedish movies are amazing, so they have some tough standards to live up to.
Anyways, back to the real reason that I've decided to create a blog post about The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo... they are releasing a clothing line today (Dec. 14th) at H&M, for those who can appreciate a little edgy, masculine style. The heroine of the story is basically this bad ass chick, who lives life by her own rules. She wears dark, very rugged, edgy clothing, which H&M has decided to recreate with a little more mainstream taste. has done an interview with the spokesperson for H&M, which will give you a great explanation for the focus of the collection. You can find that here:
The clothing involves quite a bit of faux leather, hoodies, destroyed denim, and dark colors. It's also very affordable for the most part (aside from a few pieces which are made with real leather.) The clothes are amazing and I can't wait to check out the stuff tomorrow, because I cannot wait any longer! I'll check back with you on what I find. Let me know what you think of the collection. Here's a preview of what they have:
H&M: $199, leather motorcycle jacket
H&M $69.95, fitted wool blend coat
H&M $9.95, worn t-shirt with printed design